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Business goals Google Ads can fuel:

  • Drive Sales
  • Get Leads
  • Increase Website Visits
  • Influence consideration
  • Build awareness
  • Promote your app
  • Relevance - Show your ads to the most relevant customers
  • Control - You can completely control over your budget
  • Results - Pay only for results and get the most out of your investment

Basic Campiagn Types:

  • Search
  • Display
  • Video
  • Shopping
  • App

Specialized Campaign Types:

  • Local - Optimize ads on Search, Map, Display and YouTube for offline performance
  • Hotel - Display hotel prices and availability on Search, Maps, and Assistant
  • Discovery - Show on YouTube Home Feed, Gmail, and Google’s Discover Feed

Campiagn Marketing Goal:

  • Sales
  • Leads
  • Website Traffic

Text Ads fields:

  • Headline
  • URL
  • Description

Campaign Settings:

  • Network
    • Google Search Network
  • Devices
    • Desktop
    • Tablet
    • Mobile
  • Geographic Location
  • Language Targeting
  • Budget
    • how much spending each day
  • Bid Strategy
    • bids for different keywords; manually or using automated bidding strategy
  • Ad Extensions
    • location information
    • links to pages
    • phone number
  • Start and End Date
  • Ad Scheduling
    • choose certain days or hours of the week for displaying

5 match type options for keywords:

  1. Broad match (default match type)
    • The keyword, or any variations like misspellings, synonyms, or related searches, are in any part of the search terms
  2. Broad Match Modifier
    • Prefix a ‘+’ sign for each keyword
    • The keyword, or its close variations, are in any part of the search terms
    • Additional words may appear before, after, or between the search terms
  3. Phrase match
    • Quote the keywords with ‘"’ quotation marks
    • The keywords within the quotation marks, or its close variations, match the search terms
    • There can’t be any extra words between the search terms
  4. Exact match
    • Quote the keywords within ‘[’ and ‘]’ brackets
    • The exact keyword, or its close variations, mean the same as the search terms
    • There can’t be any extra words before or after the search terms
  5. Negative
    • Prefix a ‘-’ sign for the keywords
    • Ads won’t show if the any negative keywords in the search terms

Dynamic Search Ads

  • indexing website by web crawling
  • matching the search term with the index list
  • automatically create a headline and a destination URL
  • need a description template for generation

Dynamic Search Ads Targeting options:

  1. Landing pages from standard ad groups
    • all webpages of the website
  2. Categories
    • decide which sets of pages to target
  3. URL contains
    • pages containing specific strings in the URLs
  4. URL
    • specific URLs
  5. Page feeds
    • a feed of specific URLs

Auction System

  • second-price auction:
    • pay just $0.01 above the bid of the second highest advertiser
  • Ad Rank (Ad positioning)
    1. Bid
    2. Ad rank threshold
      • quality thresholds that an ad must achieve to show in a particular ad position
    3. Context of query
      • like serach terms, user location, device, time of the search, other ads and search results of the page etc
    4. Ad extensions impact
      • extra information to the ad
    5. Auction-time ad quality
      • Ad’s relevant and useful toward the person. Assess the ad quality by Quality Score
  • 3 factor of ad quality
    1. Expected clickthrough rate
    2. Ad landing page experience
    3. Ad relevance
  • Quality score
    1. Expected clickthrough rate (eCTR)
      • Be specific in your ad
      • Experiment with different calls to action
      • Highlight a unique benefit of your product or service
      • Create time- or location-specific ad text
    2. Ad relevance
      • Add negative keywords
      • Be specific on mobile
      • Be local
      • Include relevant search terms in your ad copy
    3. Landing page exprience
      • Send traffic to the right landing page
      • Be consistent with the URL described
      • Make your site transparent and trustworthy
      • Work on loading speed and clarity
      • Rethink mobile

Text Ads

  1. Headline
    • Up to 3 fields (2 required + 1 optional)
    • max. 30 chars each
    • separated by “|”
    • Include at least one of your keywords in your headline
  2. Description
    • Up to 2 Description fields
    • max. 90 chars each
    • Highlight what makes your business unique
    • Include prices, promotions, and exclusive offers
    • Empower customers to take action
  3. URL
    • Match your ad to your landing page
    • 2 optional path fields for display
    • max. 15 chars each

Text Ads Best Practices

  • Ideally 3 ~ 5 ads per ad group
  • Optimize Ad rotation for clicks or conversions
  • Ideally min. 2 extensions for each compaign or ad group

    It let Google select the best ad for each auction Ad groups with 3 or more high-quality ads may receive up to 15% more clicks or conversions

Responsive search ads Benefits

Enter multiple headlines and descriptions, Google find the best combination for you

  • Flexibility, adapt to device widths
  • Relevance, let Google Ads show the most relevant combinations
  • Reach, match more search terms with multiple headline and description options
  • Performance, attracting more clicks then existing text ads

Ad Extensions

  • Up to 4 extensions show for a query or device
  • Will show only when these will improve performance and the ad rank is higher enough
  • Fully automated extensions
    • No actions required
    • Auto predicted by Google to improve ad performance
  • Advertiser-provided extensions
    • Google recommends implementing the options amount for the business
    • always replace automated ones
  1. Universal extensions
    1. Sitelinks
      • Direct to specific sections of the website
      • Increased engagement
      • More conversions
      • Easy to manage, at account, campaign, or ad group level, auto show the best one for each query
      • Driving store sales
      • Making online conversions
      • Raising brand awareness
      • Add as many sitelinks as you can, ideally 8 ~ 10 sitelinks per campaign
      • Select the right landing pages
      • Guide the user, clearly mention in the title what user will find
    2. Callout extensions
      • Highlight value-adding attributes
      • Boosts engagement, +10% CTR in tests
      • Easy to implement, 25 chars for most langs or or 12 chars for double-width langs
      • Drive store sales
      • Online conversions
      • Brand awareness
      • Be brief, ideally min. 6 callouts in campaigns
      • Be appealing
      • Be concrete
      • Think bullet points
    3. Structured snippets - Describe features of range of products
      • Get more qualified leads
        • Amenities
        • Types
        • Destinations
      • Focus on the essential, ideally 4 values per header and 2 of them have enough site content
      • Be relevant

    Google can dynamically generate 2 ~ 6 sitelinks (depends on the device), min. 2 structured snippets (depends on the page width, no max.), and max. 6 callout extensions (depends on device and content)

  2. Location extensions
    • Show business address, phone number, and a map marker
    • Drive store sales
    • Drive online sales
    • Increase performance, +10% CTR
    • Boost visibility, bid modifier increase visibility for users closed to a location
    • Report store visits
    • Keep information updated, it’s served via the Google My Business (GMB) account
    • Adapt bids, aggressive bids for user closed to a location through Advanced Location settings
  3. Affiliate location extensions
    • For product manufacturers, drive visits to retail partners
    • Drive store sales, find a nearby retailer
    • Drive online sales, visit the manufacturer’s website
    • Report store visits
    • Maximize local reach
    • Adapt bids, via the Advanced Locations Settings
  4. Call extensions
    • Directly call your business
    • Convenience
    • Qualified leads
    • Flexible scheduling, align appearance with the business’s opening hours
    • Measure the impact, reported in account settings to know which campaigns, ad groups, and keywords are effective
    • Provide great service
  5. App extensions
    • Driving traffic to website or the app store from a single text ad
    • Headline link direct to the website and the app extension links to the app store
    • Serve on both brand and generic keywords
  6. Price extensions
    • Show prices alongside the products
    • In several languages and currencies
    • Don’t use promotional copy in descriptive lines
    • Don’t repeat headlines and description lines
  7. Promotion extensions
    • Display promotion below without update each ad
    • Highlight special offers and sales
    • Monetary or percentage discounts
    • Select special occasions and events from list
    • Flexible scheduling
  8. Message extensions
    • Connect with users who prefer to text
    • Mobile-only
    • Convenience, doesn’t miss connections with customers when not good to call
    • Prequalification, engage with users
    • Ability to generate leads, receive user messages and put them in a queue to call
    • Have a prefilled message text show in users’ SMS app
    • Show when someone is available to provide answers

      Call-only ads work with Structured snippets, callouts, and location ad extensions

  9. Seller ratings (stars) extension
    • Automated extension
    • Show whether the service quality is highly rated
    • Data sources:
      • Google Customer Reviews (GCR)
      • StellaService
      • Google-led shopping research
      • Google Consumer Surveys
      • Third-party review sites

Bidding Strategies

  1. Awareness-based bidding strategies
    • Goal: Visibility
    • Strategies:
      • Target impression share: anywhere, top of page, or absolute top of page
    • Use cases:
      • Raising awareness of your brand
  2. Consideration-focused bidding strategies
    • Goal: Clicks
    • Strategies:
      • Maximize clicks: within a target spend amount choosed
    • Use cases:
      • Drive clicks
      • Maximize traffic
      • Upper funnel keywords that drive conversions
  3. Conversion-focused bidding strategies
    • Goal: Conversions
    • Strategies:
      • Maximize Conversions: no need to provide cost per click (CPC), cost per acquisition (CPA), or return on ad spend (ROAS) target
      • Target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA): auto set bids based on avg CPA
      • Enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC): auto adjust manual bids
    • Use cases:
      • Maximize Conversions: spend a fixed budget without explicit CPA/ROAS goal
      • Target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA): lead generation and businesses without considering order value
      • Enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC):
        • For Search, manually bids or use 3rd-party bidding tools
        • For Display, those who have no conversion tracking, manually bids or use 3rd-party bidding tools
  4. Revenue-focused bidding strategies
    • Goal: Revenue
    • Strategies:
      • Target return on ad spend (Target ROAS): auto bids based on ROAS
    • Use cases:
      • want auto bids based on your target ROAS

Search Audience solutions

  • Marketing goal
    1. Create awareness
      • Detailed Demographics
      • Affinity Audiences
    2. Drive consideration
      • In-Market Audiences
      • Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)
      • Similar Audiences for Search
    3. Increase purchases and loyalty with existing customers
      • Customer Match
      • Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)
  • Enhance Search strategy
    1. Variable bidding
      • Bid based on the business value of the audience
    2. Keyword expansion
      • Use generic keywords for certain audiences, like in-market list
    3. Creative customization
      • Customize ads for certain audiences, say offering discounts
  • Solutions
    1. Affinity Audiences
      • qualified interest
    2. Detailed Demographics
      • Parental status
      • Parenting stage
      • Homeownership
      • Marital status
      • Education status
    3. In-Market Audiences

    All 3 singals above are auto used for conversion-based search bidding strategies

    1. Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)
      • A remarketing list must have at least 1,000 users on it before it can be used
    2. Customer Match
      • Upload existed customer data into Google Ads to reach new resemble customers
      • Tagless strategy
      • Re-engage customers
      • Reach customers not converted online
      • Reach customers by purchase history
      • Reach customers based on their lifetime value
    3. Similar Audiences
      • Scores based on recent browsing interests, search terms, and videos watched on YouTube
      • A similar list not overlaps its seed list

Optimization Score

  • At Google Ads Recommendations page
  • scores 0% ~ 100%
  • Available for campaigns, accounts, and most manager accounts (MCCs)
  • Score by statistics, settings, and industry trends
  • Score made up of over 50 recommendations
  • Recommendation points by statistical models, simulations, and machine learning
  • The algorithm regularly discovers recommendations and adds new suggestions
  • Scores decrease if, say,
    • changes in auction dynamics
    • update to tracked conversions
    • shifts in spend between campaigns

Performance Planner

  • A forecasting tool using machine learning
  • Understand the future spend potential
  • Take advantage of seasonality (forecast monthly, quarterly, and annual)
  • Set optimal bids and budgets across campaigns
  • Grow sales volumes
  • Forecast of no changes to current campaigns shows in grey dot
  • Forecast of using optimal bids and average daily budgets across campaigns shows in blue line
  • Choosing a point on the blue line shows how the planer reallocating spend in the campaigns table or via CSV download
  • Forecasting: made up of billions of searches per week
  • Simulation: simulates relevant ad auctions with query level variables, including seasonality, clickthrough rate, competitors, landing page, and time of day
  • Machine learning: fine tune forecasts using ML
  • Validation: perform forward and backward measurements of accuracy for thousands of campaign samples across 1, 7, 30, and 90 day periods
  • based on Google data and account’s historical performance to hit KPIs
  • discover the best bids and budgets

Based on 250 random Google Ads Customer IDs, find avg 43% conversion increment for the same investment and 80% conversion grow for the same CPA

  • Should use Planer monthly due to seasonality, fluctuating auctions, and competitors
  • Create separate plans for each marketing objective through grouping campaigns by marketing goal or budget
  • Set bids and budgets using non-last click for incremental conversions
  • Use the performance targets feature to monitor targets and receive alerts and recommendations
  • Recommended average daily budget for: Manual/Enhance CPC, Max. Clicks/Conversions, tCPA/ROAS
  • Recommended campaign bid scaling for: Manual/Enhance CPC
  • Recommended Campaign-level tCPA/ROAS for : tCPA/ROAS
  • Apply changes through:
    1. Google Ads campaign management interface
    2. download a Google Ads Editor file and upload to Google Ads Editor